Maarif students discussed the effects of Turkish in the Balkans on Turkish Language Day
Maarif students discussed the effects of Turkish in the Balkans on Turkish Language Day

Maarif students discussed the effects of Turkish in the Balkans on Turkish Language Day

September 27, 2024

In the online event organized by Turkish Maarif Foundation (TMF) with the participation of students from schools in Balkan countries within the scope of the Turkish Language Day, the social, cultural and literary effects of Turkish on the Balkans were discussed.

On the Turkish Language Day, which is celebrated every year on September 26th, the online event “Turkish Language Day: The Effects of Turkish in the Balkans” was organized by the Albanian Representative Office of the Turkish Maarif Foundation and the University of New York Tirana (UNYT).

Delivering the opening speech of the event, TMF President Birol Akgün stated that Turkish has a great impact on Balkan culture and said, “The cultural accumulation that comes from a common history and living together for long centuries still continues today in the streets, avenues and cities of Balkan countries.”

Stating that Turkish Maarif Foundation is making great efforts to teach Turkish in its schools in the Balkans, Akgün said: “As the Turkish Maarif Foundation, our presence in the Balkans means nurturing these deep cultural ties from history and fulfilling the function of a cultural bridge.”

Prof. Dr. Ali Güneş, Rector of UNYT, pointed out that language is not only a means of communication but also an important element in the transfer of cultural heritage, and said, “One of the most important elements that embodies the legacy of the Ottoman Empire and ensures its transmission from generation to generation has been Turkish.”

Emphasizing that TMF's activities in the Balkans strengthen regional interactions by promoting the Turkish language and culture, Güneş said: “Today, Turkish acts as a bridge for cultural exchange and economic cooperation in regions with dense Turkish-speaking populations such as Kosovo, Macedonia and Bulgaria.”

“Turkish is experiencing a respite again”

Prof. Dr. Mustafa İsen made a presentation titled “Turkish Language Day and the Geography of Turkish” and drew attention to the Turkish cultural presence in the Balkan geography during and after the Ottoman period.

Pointing out that there are many words that have entered Balkan languages from Turkish, İsen said, “Almost all of the words related to civilization are words that have entered from Turkish. Household items, food names and most of the words expressing city life in everyday language have entered from Turkish.”

TMF Albania Representative Mesut Özbaysar stated that Turkish is based on thousands of years of history and said, “As Albanian Maarif Schools, we will continue to work to protect the existence of Turkish in the geography we are in, the cultural elements of Turkish communities and to transfer them to future generations. This heritage is a very valuable treasure for us and it is the responsibility of all of us to keep it alive.”

Afterwards, students from schools in Albania, North Macedonia, Kosovo, Romania and Hungary gave examples of Turkish words, proverbs and idioms they use in their daily lives and read excerpts from poems written in Turkish by poets from their countries.

After the student presentations, academic presentations titled “Turkish Studies in the Balkans and the Impact of Turkish” and “The Impact of Turkish on the Balkans” were held. The event ended with the closing session and evaluations.